Factorise the top, by using 2 as a common factor
Factorise the bottom using your preferred method
Using the fact that the top factorised to may help!
The common factors on the top and bottom reduce to 1 (cancel out)
(a) Express as a single fraction
The lowest common denominator is
Write each fraction over this common denominator, remember to multiply the top of the fractions too
Simplify the numerators
Combine the fractions, as they have the same denominator
Factorise the top
There are no terms which would cancel here, so this is the final answer
(b) Express as a single fraction
The lowest common denominator is (You could also use
but this wouldn't be the lowest common denominator)
Write each fraction over this common denominator, remember to multiply the top of the fractions too
Simplify the numerators
Combine the fractions, as they have the same denominator
There is nothing else that can be factorised on the numerator, so this is the final answer
Divide by
, giving your answer as a simplified fraction
Division is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal (the fraction flipped)
It can often help to factorise first, as there may be factors that cancel out
Multiply the numerators and denominators, and cancel any terms that are the same on the top and bottom