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What is an enlargement?

  • An enlargement is a transformation that changes the size of the shape
    • The scale factor tells you how many times bigger each edge of the enlarged image will be compared to the corresponding edge on the original object
    • If the scale factor is greater than 1, the enlarged image will be bigger than the original object
    • If the scale factor is less than 1, the enlarged image will be smaller than the original object
  • The position of a shape will also change with enlargement
  • The orientation of the shape will be the same for a positive enlargement

How do I enlarge a shape?

  • You need to be able to perform an enlargement (on a coordinate grid)

  • STEP 1:

    Starting from the centre of enlargement, count the horizontal and vertical distances to

    one vertex on the original object
  • STEP 2:

    Multiply the distances by the given scale factor

  • STEP 3:
    Starting again from the centre of enlargement, measure the new distances and mark the position on the grid of the corresponding vertex on the enlarged image
    • The distances from the centre of enlargement to the enlarged image will be in the same direction for a positive scale factor and the opposite direction for a negative scale factor
  • STEP 4:

    Repeat STEPs 1 to 3 for the remaining vertices

  • STEP 5:
    Connect the vertices on the enlarged image and label it

How do I describe an enlargement?

  • You need to be able to identify and describe an enlargement when presented with one
  • You must fully describe a transformation to get full marks
  • For an enlargement, you must:
    • State that the transformation is an enlargement
    • State the scale factor
    • Give the coordinates of the centre of enlargement


Which points are invariant with an enlargement?

  • Invariant points are points that do not change position when a transformation has been performed
    • Invariant points don't move!
  • With an enlargement, if the centre of enlargement is a  point on  the object, then that point is invariant
    • if the centre of enlargement is not a point on the object, then there are no invariant points

Exam Tip

  • Make sure that you always start from the centre of enlargement when measuring distances to the original object and the enlarged image, a common mistake is to measure the distance between a pair of corresponding vertices on the original object and enlarged image
  • You can check your work by drawing straight lines through the centre of enlargement and a pair of corresponding vertices on the original object and the enlarged image

Worked example

On the grid below enlarge shape C using scale factor 2 and centre of enlargement (2, 1).
Label your translated shape C'.
Without working out any areas explain why the area of C' is four times as large as the area of C.

Enlargement-Q1, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

Start by marking on the centre of enlargement (CoE).
Count the number of squares in both a horizontal and vertical direction to go from the CoE to one of the vertices on the original object, this is 2 to the right and 3 up in this example.
As the scale factor is 2, multiply these distances by 2, so they become 4 to the right and 6 up.
Count these new distances from the CoE to the corresponding point on the enlarged image and mark it on.
Draw a line through the CoE and the pair of corresponding points, they should line up in a straight line. 

Enlargement-Q1-working, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

Repeat this process for each of the vertices on the original object.
Join adjacent vertices on the enlarged image as you go.
Label the enlarged image C'.

Enlargement-Q1-Final-Answer, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

Because the scale factor is 2, each of the lengths will be twice as long on the enlarged image as they are on the original object.
Square the length scale factor to find the area scale factor.

The length scale factor is 2, therefore the area scale factor will be 2 2 = 4, hence, the area of C' is 4 times larger than C


Describe fully the single transformation that creates shape B from shape A.

Enlargement-Q2, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

You can see that the image is larger than the original object, therefore it must be an enlargement.
As the enlarged image is bigger than the original object, the scale factor must be greater than 1.
Compare two corresponding edges on the object and the image to find the scale factor.

The height of the original "H" is 3 squares, the height of the enlarged "H" is 9 squares.

Scale space Factor space equals 9 over 3 equals 3

Draw a straight line through the CoE and a pair of corresponding points on the original object and the enlarged image.
Repeat this step for all of the pairs of vertices on the object and image.
The point of intersection of the lines is the CoE.

Enlargement-Q2-Working, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

Shape A has been enlarged using a scale factor of 3 and a centre of enlargement (9, 9) to create shape B

Negative Enlargements

How do I enlarge a shape if it has a negative scale factor?

  • You will still need to perform enlargements with negative scale factors
    • it is possible but unusual to be asked to identify one
  • The key things with a negative enlargement are:
    • the orientation of the object is changed as a negative enlargement rotates an object by 180o
    • when measuring the distance between the centre of enlargement (CoE) and the enlarged image, it is measured on the opposite side of the CoE

Exam Tip

  • Remember to draw lines through the CoE and a vertex on the original object, this will remind you that the distances away from the CoE carry on in the opposite direction for a negative scale factor
  • Exam questions are quite keen on combining both negative and fractional scale factors, build your answer up following the rules and you will be fine!

Worked example

On the grid below enlarge shape F using scale factor  negative 1 third   and centre of enlargement  open parentheses 6 comma space minus 1 close parentheses

Label this shape F'.

If the area of F is 45 cm 2 write down the area of F'.

ENSF-Q1, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

Start by marking the centre of enlargement (CoE) (6, -1) and selecting a starting vertex.

Count the horizontal and vertical distances from the vertex to the CoE.
Multiply those distances by the scale factor.

Vertex at (-4, 3)

Distance to CoE from vertex on original object: 3 to the right and 3 up

Distances from CoE to corresponding vertex on enlarged image: 3 cross times 1 third equals 1 to the right and  3 cross times 1 third equals 1 up

Counting the new distances from the CoE, on the other side from the original object, mark on the position of the corresponding point on the enlarged image.
Draw a straight line through the corresponding vertices and the CoE to check that they line up

Repeat this process for each vertex in turn.

ENSF-Q1-working, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

Connect the vertices as you go around so that you don't forget which should connect to which.

Remember, your enlarged image will be rotated by 180 o.

ENSF-Q1-working-and-solution, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

The length scale factor is  1 third , meaning that each edge of the enlarged image is  1 third the length of the corresponding edge on the original object.

Find the area scale factor by squaring the length scale factor.

Area space scale space factor space equals open parentheses 1 third close parentheses squared equals 1 over 9

Multiply the area of the original object by the area scale factor to find the area of the enlarged image.

45 cross times 1 over 9

bold 5 bold space bold cm to the power of bold 2

Number Toolkit
  • Mathematical Operations
  • Negative Numbers
  • Money Calculations
  • Number Operations
  • Related Calculations
  • Counting Principles
Prime Factors, HCF & LCM
  • Types of Number
  • Prime Factor Decomposition
  • HCF & LCM
Powers, Roots & Standard Form
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  • Standard Form
  • Basic Fractions
  • Operations with Fractions
  • Basic Percentages
  • Working with Percentages
Simple & Compound Interest, Growth & Decay
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  • Exponential Growth & Decay
Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
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  • Converting between FDP
Rounding, Estimation & Bounds
  • Rounding & Estimation
  • Bounds
  • Simplifying Surds
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Using a Calculator
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Algebra Toolkit
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  • Algebra Basics
Algebraic Roots & Indices
  • Algebraic Roots & Indices
Expanding Brackets
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  • Expanding Multiple Brackets
  • Factorising
  • Factorising Quadratics
  • Quadratics Factorising Methods
Completing the Square
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Rearranging Formulae
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Algebraic Proof
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Linear Equations
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Solving Quadratic Equations
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Simultaneous Equationsr
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Forming & Solving Equations
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Coordinate Geometrys
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Linear Graphs y = mx + c
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Graphs of Functions
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Equation of a Circle
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  • Equation of a Tangents
Estimating Gradients & Areas under Graphs
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Real-Life Graphs
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Solving Inequalities
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  • Conversion Graphs
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Graphing Inequalities
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Transformations of Graphs
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Ratio Toolkit
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Direct & Inverse Proportions
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Standard & Compound Units
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  • Compound Measures
Exchange Rates & Best Buys
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Geometry Toolkit
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  • 2D & 3D Shapes
  • Plans & Elevations
Angles in Polygons & Parallel Lines
  • Basic Angle Properties
  • Angles in Polygons
  • Angles in Parallel Lines
Bearings, Scale Drawing, Constructions & Loci
  • Bearings
  • Scale & Maps
  • Constructing Triangles
  • Constructions & Loci
Circle Theorems
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  • Chords & Tangents
  • Cyclic Quadrilaterals
  • Segment Theorems
  • Circle Theorem Proofs
Area & Perimeter
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  • Problem Solving with Areas
Circles, Arcs & Sectors
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  • Arcs & Sectors
Volume & Surface Area
  • Volume
  • Surface Area
Congruence, Similarity & Geometrical Proof
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  • Similarity
  • Geometrical Proof
Area & Volume of Similar Shapes
  • Similar Area & Volumes
Right-Angled Triangles – Pythagoras & Trigonometry
  • Pythagoras Theorem
  • Right-Angled Trigonometry
  • Exact Trig Values
Sine, Cosine Rule & Area of Triangles
  • Sine & Cosine Rules
  • Area of a Triangle
  • Applications of Trigonomet
3D Pythagoras & Trigonometry
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  • Introduction to Vectors
  • Working with Vectors
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  • Reflections
  • Rotations
  • Enlargements
  • Combination of Transformations
Probability Toolkit
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  • Relative & Expected Frequency
Simple Probability Diagrams
  • Two Way Tables
  • Frequency Trees
  • Set Notation & Venn Diagrams
Tree Diagrams
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Combined & Conditional Probability
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  • Combined Conditional Probabilities
Statistics Toolkit
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Statistical Diagrams
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  • Working with Statistical Diagrams
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Cumulative Frequency & Box Plots
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Scatter Graphs & Correlation
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