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Direct & Inverse Proportion

Direct Proportion

What is direct proportion?

  • Proportion is a way of talking about how two variables are related to each other
  • Direct proportion means that as one variable goes up the other goes up by the same factor
    • This means that the ratio between the two amounts will always stay the same
  • If x and y are directly proportional then
    • will always be the same
    • there will be some value of k such that y kx
    • their graph is a linear (straight line) graph, with gradient k


  • Other problems may involve a variable being directly proportional to a function of another variable
  • For example
    • y is directly proportional to the square of x means that = kx2
    • y is directly proportional to the square root of x means that = kx
    • y is directly proportional to the cube of x means that = kx3
      • Each of these would have a different type of graph, depending on the function

How do we deal with direct proportion questions?

  • Direct proportion questions can be dealt with in the same way
  • STEP 1
    Identify the two variables and set up the formula in terms of those variables
    • For example if A is directly proportional to B, then the two variables are A and B
    • If A is directly proportional to B use the formula A = kB
    • If A is directly proportional to the square of B use the formula A = kB2
  • STEP 2
    Find k by substituting the values given in the question into your formula and solving
  • STEP 3
    Write the formula for A in terms of B by substituting in your value of k
  • STEP 4
    Use the formula to find the required quantity

Exam Tip

  • Even if the question doesn’t ask for a formula it is always worth working one out and using it in all but the simplest cases

Worked example

y is directly proportional to the square of x.
When x = 3, y = 18.

Find the value of y when x = 4.

Identify the two variables.

y comma space x to the power of 2 space end exponent

We are told this is DIRECT proportion.

y equals k x squared

We can now find k using y = 18 when x = 3.

table row 18 equals cell k open parentheses 3 close parentheses squared end cell row k equals cell 18 over 9 end cell row k equals 2 end table

We can now write the full formula/equation in x and y .

y equals 2 x squared

Use this formula to find y when x = 4.

table row y equals cell 2 cross times 4 squared end cell row y equals cell 2 cross times 16 end cell row y equals 32 end table

bold italic y bold equals bold 32

Inverse Proportion

What is inverse proportion?

  • Inverse proportion means as one variable goes up the other goes down by the same factor
    • If two quantities are inversely proportional, then we can say that one is directly proportional to the reciprocal of the other 
  • If x is inversely proportional to y, then
    • x space colon space 1 over y will always be the same
    • there will be some value of such that x space equals space k over y
    • the graph will be related to that graph of y space equals space k over x


How do we deal with inverse proportion questions?

  • Inverse proportion questions can be dealt with in a similar way to direct proportion questions
    • STEP 1
      Identify the two variables and set up a formula in terms of those variables
      • For example if A is inversely proportional to B, then the two variables are A and B
      • If A is inversely proportional to B use the formula bold italic A space equals space k over bold italic B
      • If A is inversely proportional to the square of B use the formula bold italic A space equals space k over bold italic B squared
    • STEP 2
      Find k by substituting the values given in the question into your formula and solving
    • STEP 3
      Write the formula for A in terms of B by substituting in your value of k
    • STEP 4
      Use the formula to find the required quantity

Worked example

The time, t hours, it takes to complete a project varies inversely proportional to the number of people working on it, n.
If 4 people work on the project it takes 70 hours to complete.


Write an equation connecting t and n.

 Identify the two variables

t comma space n

We are told this is INVERSE proportion

t equals k over n

We can now find k using n equals 4 and t equals 70 (given in words in the question)

table row 70 equals cell k over 4 end cell row k equals cell 70 cross times 4 end cell row k equals 280 end table

We can now write the full formula/equation in n and t

bold italic t bold equals bold 280 over bold italic n


Given that the project needs to be completed within 18 hours, find the minimum number of people needed to work on it.

Use the formula to find n when t equals 18

table row 18 equals cell 280 over n end cell row n equals cell 280 over 18 end cell row n equals cell 15.55 space... end cell end table

A sensible answer would be a whole number (as it is a number of people)

16 people is the minimum number of workers required to finish the project in 18 hours

Number Toolkit
  • Mathematical Operations
  • Negative Numbers
  • Money Calculations
  • Number Operations
  • Related Calculations
  • Counting Principles
Prime Factors, HCF & LCM
  • Types of Number
  • Prime Factor Decomposition
  • HCF & LCM
Powers, Roots & Standard Form
  • Powers, Roots & Indices
  • Standard Form
  • Basic Fractions
  • Operations with Fractions
  • Basic Percentages
  • Working with Percentages
Simple & Compound Interest, Growth & Decay
  • Interest & Depreciation
  • Exponential Growth & Decay
Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
  • Converting between FDP
  • Converting between FDP
Rounding, Estimation & Bounds
  • Rounding & Estimation
  • Bounds
  • Simplifying Surds
  • Rationalising Denominators
Using a Calculator
  • Using a Calculator
Algebra Toolkit
  • Algebraic Notation & Vocabulary
  • Algebra Basics
Algebraic Roots & Indices
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Expanding Brackets
  • Expanding Single Brackets
  • Expanding Multiple Brackets
  • Factorising
  • Factorising Quadratics
  • Quadratics Factorising Methods
Completing the Square
  • Completing the Square
Rearranging Formulae
  • Rearranging Formulae
Algebraic Proof
  • Algebraic Proof
Linear Equations
  • Solving Linear Equations
Solving Quadratic Equations
  • Solving Quadratic Equations
  • Quadratic Equation Methods
Simultaneous Equationsr
  • Simultaneous Equations
  • Iteration
Forming & Solving Equations
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  • Equations & Problem Solving
  • Functions Toolkit
  • Composite & Inverse Functions
Coordinate Geometrys
  • Coordinates
  • Coordinate Geometry
Linear Graphs y = mx + c
  • Straight Line Graphs (y = mx + c)
  • Parallel & Perpendicular Lines
Graphs of Functions
  • Types of Graphs
  • Graphical Solutions
  • Trig Graphs
Equation of a Circle
  • Equation of a Circle
  • Equation of a Tangents
Estimating Gradients & Areas under Graphs
  • Finding Gradients of Tangents
  • Finding Areas under Graphs
Real-Life Graphs
  • Distance-Time & Speed-Time Graphs
  • Conversion Graphs
  • Rates of Change of Graphs
Solving Inequalities
  • Solving Linear Inequalities
  • Conversion Graphs
  • Solving Quadratic Inequalities
Graphing Inequalities
  • Graphing Inequalities
Transformations of Graphs
  • Reflections of Graphs
  • Introduction to Sequences
  • Types of Sequences
  • Linear Sequences
  • Quadratic Sequences
Ratio Toolkit
  • Simple Ratio
  • Working with Proportion
Ratio Problem Solving
  • Ratios & FDP
  • Multiple Ratios
Direct & Inverse Proportions
Standard & Compound Units
  • Time
  • Unit Conversions
  • Compound Measures
Exchange Rates & Best Buys
  • Exchange Rates & Best Buys
Geometry Toolkit
  • Symmetry
  • 2D & 3D Shapes
  • Plans & Elevations
Angles in Polygons & Parallel Lines
  • Basic Angle Properties
  • Angles in Polygons
  • Angles in Parallel Lines
Bearings, Scale Drawing, Constructions & Loci
  • Bearings
  • Scale & Maps
  • Constructing Triangles
  • Constructions & Loci
Circle Theorems
  • Angles at Centre & Semicircles
  • Chords & Tangents
  • Cyclic Quadrilaterals
  • Segment Theorems
  • Circle Theorem Proofs
Area & Perimeter
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  • Problem Solving with Areas
Circles, Arcs & Sectors
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  • Arcs & Sectors
Volume & Surface Area
  • Volume
  • Surface Area
Congruence, Similarity & Geometrical Proof
  • Congruence
  • Similarity
  • Geometrical Proof
Area & Volume of Similar Shapes
  • Similar Area & Volumes
Right-Angled Triangles – Pythagoras & Trigonometry
  • Pythagoras Theorem
  • Right-Angled Trigonometry
  • Exact Trig Values
Sine, Cosine Rule & Area of Triangles
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  • Area of a Triangle
  • Applications of Trigonomet
3D Pythagoras & Trigonometry
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  • Introduction to Vectors
  • Working with Vectors
  • Translations
  • Reflections
  • Rotations
  • Enlargements
  • Combination of Transformations
Probability Toolkit
  • Basic Probability
  • Relative & Expected Frequency
Simple Probability Diagrams
  • Two Way Tables
  • Frequency Trees
  • Set Notation & Venn Diagrams
Tree Diagrams
  • Tree Diagrams
Combined & Conditional Probability
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  • Conditional Probability
  • Combined Conditional Probabilities
Statistics Toolkit
  • Mean, Median & Mode
  • Averages from Tables
  • Range & Quartiles
  • Comparing Distributions
  • Population & Sampling
Statistical Diagrams
  • Bar Charts & Pictograms
  • Pie Charts
  • Time Series Graphs
  • Working with Statistical Diagrams
  • Histograms
Cumulative Frequency & Box Plots
  • Cumulative Frequency Diagrams
  • Box Plots
Scatter Graphs & Correlation
  • Scatter Graphs