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Maths tutors near me

57% of Concerned Parents are asking for 'the best maths tutors near me'

League of Learning look for the perfect maths tutors near you. We'll discuss how we find you a maths tutor in your area, as well as some tips on how to choose the right tutor for your needs. So whether you're struggling with a basic maths concepts or need help preparing for an upcoming exam, a maths tutor close to you can help!

No FEES, Setup Costs, No Contract, Trained Tutors, Students rated, Comfort of your own home, Weekly Progress Sheets, Recorded online lessons,

How League of learning helped me find maths tutors near me

We take all the hardwork out of finding a tutor. Simply put, finding you the perfect maths tutor is our job not yours.
We start with a free consultation where we talk about your child’s grades, personality, learning style and we search through our vast database of vetted, trained and DBS checked staff to find you the perfect Maths tutor.
We carefully select each tutor based on your child’s specific personality and needs. Taking all the guess work out of it for you.
If you don’t gel with them, we simply give you another tutor to undertake the lessons.
Gone are the days, you go on multiple different websites and tutoring centres just to try tutors out.

A taste of what our private maths tutor profiles consist of

All our tutors are put through training and a rigorous selection processes so they can reach our 'League of Learning qualified teacher status'.

About Me

I study Engineering at the University Of Birmingham. Maths is a core concept within engineering and I am able to explain difficult to understand concepts in detail to any student along with contextual information on why what they learn online is useful. I love being a Private maths tutor

What makes a good maths tutor

A good private maths teacher is patient and able to clearly explain concepts within lessons. They will also possess a deep understanding of the subject matter and be able to provide real-world examples to illustrate complex problems in order to aid education.

For students who are struggling, a good tutor will be able to identify the root of the issue and provide targeted help.

This will improve understanding in any pupil’s everyday lives meaning whether they want to impress their primary school teacher or their exam boards, our online maths tutors have them covered.

They will also be flexible in their lesson approach, willing to adjust their teaching methods to suit the needs of the individual. Finally, good maths tutors will be encouraging and positive, instilling confidence in their students and helping them to see the value in mastering this essential subject.

By possessing these qualities, a good mathematics tutor can make an immense difference in the lives of their students.

Are Math Tutors worth it?

A lot of people see maths lesson as a difficult and see it as a dry subject. However, having a strong understanding of maths is essential for succeed in many different fields. A maths tutor can help pupils to develop a better understanding of the subject and improve their problem-solving skills.

As a result, your child will be better equipped to deal with the challenges of their studies and, in the long term, their career. In addition, a good grasp of maths is often essential for admission to top universities.

A tutor can help your child to develop the skills and knowledge they need to secure their place at their dream university. Ultimately, by investing in a maths tutor, you could be giving your child the best possible start in life.

What you should ask before committing to a Maths teacher?

Firstly the good news is, League of learning doesn't believe in making you commit. We work on a no contract basis. We created our maths tuition for parents so they could really feel like its their own business, as the tutoring is so catered to their every need.
Ask these questions before committing to any private maths tutor

Being fixed into a contract shows that the teacher is not confident in retaining students. Their teaching, whether it’s for GCSE, A level or 11+, should speak for itself and leave you wanting more maths lessons.

Online maths tutors will save time and energy used in commuting to a traditional tutoring centre. Also by being online, the lessons can be recorded and rewatched. When your child has the option to learn online maths with quality teaching, they will happily attend more lessons.

It is extremely important that you are aware of what is being covered within the maths lessons. Any tutor at league of learning will be able to provide you with a backlog of what your children have learnt each lesson and what concepts they have struggled with whilst having private tuition.

A great private maths tutor will use knowledge of the subjects they teach to cater teaching around the student and their specific mathematics learning style. It is important to have a structured approach to maths lessons so that each student is exam ready.

Any content regardless of the subjects being taught is valuable for progressing the education the student.
So when you have paid for maths tutoring, why wouldn’t you want to keep it forever.
Always ask the tutor to record the session online to make it available as a revision resource.

For anyone to learn online, they need a tutor who enjoyed maths or any of other subjects they teach. Only if they can push that enthusiasm on to the child will they a ultimately progress in school and impress any teacher at school.

What are the benefits of a maths tutor

Whilst it is possible to learn online through many self revision sites, online maths lessons will by far provide the best results. Through tutors taking the responsibility, it means as a parent, you can focus on yourself and just read the progress reports to ensure your child is excelling in a tough subjects such as mathematics.

Just like a school teacher, tutors teach on a daily basis and therefore master the concepts within mathematics so they are able to really understand issues in understanding in what ever pupils struggle with. This may be algebra or could be statistics. One of our online tutors, will know exactly what angle to present the content with and therefore can teach difficult concepts much quicker than any parents.

1-1 teaching means pupils can ask the tutor any questions they may have had and not been able to ask their teacher in school. This will greatly excel their knowledge.

How much does maths tuition cost?

There are many companies that can provide you with a mathematics tutor. The prices of these tutors will depend on a number of factors.

Let highlight how much maths tutors can cost.

Maths tutors base their prices on factors such as experience and location. They can charge anywhere from £25 to £200 per hour.

All our tutors cost the same at £25. And they are always the best, as we can focus on finding tutors that can teach mathematics online all over the country. We are not limited on location.

What age should you start tutoring?

Many people ask what age you should start tutoring for your child.

The simple answer that we derived from surveys conducted through the many parents we work with is that:

The data recommends to start tutoring a child from the age of 7. Get a head start on their peers in Maths, English and Science. Any earlier, a child may struggle focusing and Any later than 7 years old, a child is missing out on potential time they could be pushing ahead of their peers.

A head start is key in life to getting anywhere you want to be. It is always better to start early so that by the time you are older and the stakes are higher, you would have already gained the required skillset or knowledge.

The same can be applied to tuition. The earlier you start, the more of a head start you will have for your future education. Staring at a young age (as early as key stage 1), your brain is still growing and developing at a rapid rate. This makes it easier for you to learn new things and absorb mathematical topics like a sponge. Not only that, but young children are also less resistant to trying new things and less set in their ways compared to older individuals. As such, they are generally more open to learning new things and exploring different concepts. All these factors make starting tuition at an early age a wise choice if you want to give your child the best possible chance of success in life.

What makes a League of Learning maths tutor special

At an outstanding school, they interview and train anyone that wants to be a maths teacher. In order for us to qualify any one for maths tutoring, we focus on 3 main aspects:

What makes a League of Learning maths tutor special

In order to teach maths or further maths, having a first class degree level understanding is vital. We ensure that our tutors teach exactly what is needed to be able to access the grades the students need and then thus allowing them to move onto popular subjects at university. We train your ideal tutor early, in order to allow them to build the foundations of the maths curriculum for every student. Then later go on to fine tune their teaching for the exact exam board they are being tested with.

Online Presence

Being engaging is one of the more difficult challenges with being an online maths tutor. This is why we train them specifically to never leave your child wondering what they need to do; encapsulating them within this virtual classroom on their doorstep.

Building rapport with a student

We believe in tutors becoming mentors for students. We find the students often looking up to their maths tutors and thus look forward to each and every lesson.

GCSE Maths vs A-Level maths tuition

There is a big difference between the content of GCSE and A level maths, and this has implications for how the subject needs to be taught. At GCSE, students are expected to master a range of mathematical techniques and concepts, from basic algebra to more advanced topics like calculus. In contrast, A level maths is much more focused on problem-solving and reasoning. As a result, A level maths students need to be able to think creatively and critically in order to solve complex problems. This means that the way A level maths is taught needs to be very different from GCSE. A level students need to be given plenty of opportunities to practice problem-solving, and they need to be given scaffolded support so that they can gradually develop their skills. With the right teaching, A level students can thrive in this more challenging environment.

Where can I find private Maths Tutors near me?

We leave you not needing to find a tutor yourself. We have done all the hard work in collecting together some of the finest tutors around.

Some of the topics that your maths tutor will teach

Maths tuition covers a range of topics and here are some of the most popular subjects students like to explore with their maths tutors








Where are our tutors based

We have tutors in all the popular cities as well as smaller towns. We find the best talent and energy and bring it near you through online tutoring. The lessons are extremely interactive and we use an exclusive bank of worksheets to enable the best possible tutoring experience from your own home

What can I expect in my first lesson

In your first lesson, you will be greeted by the tutor online.

They will then talk to the student to establish how they feel about maths.

The tutor will make a list of topics that the pupil is struggling with.

Will start on a few concepts that fit in with your child’s target grade.

Next, the tutor will then discuss the best course of action with the parent once the lesson is over whilst providing a progress sheet.

School education compared to private maths tutors

Schools are the gateway to education for the vast majority of the population. However, class sizes are large and teachers aren’t always capable of even sitting the exams that they are teaching for.

This is where private tutoring is different.

Your child is taught 1-1


a tutor who has completed the same exams your child will be taken with grades (at least 7 A*s at GCSE and 3 As at A level) putting them in the top 5% of the population.

Our research shows most qualified teachers theme-selves were not able to achieve the grades our tutors have achieved.

How important is that you are near the right tutor for entrance exams?

We’d all love for it to be a fair right of passage into your preferred school for your child.

However, the schools purposefully have created an exam, that only the privileged are able to prep their children for. Entrance exams such as the 11+, work on testing topics that aren’t taught in schools therefore the only way to teach a child such content is through 11+ tutors.

Thats why finding the ‘best maths tutors near me’, has become more important than ever.

Online education in your own home

Finding maths lessons for your child, used to involve trying to find maths tutors near your home but now with online tuition, you can save time and money though a qualified teacher being more affordable and more convenient than ever.

Why is maths important in the early years

Many people believe that maths is only important for physics and statistics, but this is not the case. In fact, maths is essential for many different fields of study, including computer science, engineering and accountancy.

Therefore building a strong foundation is necessary for anyone to excel, whether you arrange your children’s ideal tutors during their time at primary schools, or right before their university applications when they are studying further maths, it’s never too late to start.

At university, maths is used in a variety of different ways. For example, physics students use maths to calculate the properties of objects and to understand the laws of nature. Similarly, statistics students use maths to analyse data and to make predictions about future events. Without maths, these disciplines would be very difficult to study. Therefore, it is clear that maths is extremely important for anyone who wishes to pursue a career in science or engineering.

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