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Population & Sampling

Population & Sampling

What are the different types of data?

  • Primary data is data that has been collected by the person carrying out the research
    • This could be through questionnaires, surveys, experiments etc 
  • Secondary data is data that has been collected previously
    • This could be found on the internet or through other research sources
  • Qualitative data is data that is usually given in words not numbers to describe something
    • For example: the colour of a teacher's car
  • Quantitative data is data that is given using numbers which counts or measures something
    • For example: the number of pets that a student has
  • Discrete data is quantitative data that needs to be counted
    • Discrete data can only take specific values from a set of (usually finite) values
    • For example: the number of times a coin is flipped until a ‘tails’ is obtained
  • Continuous data is quantitative data that needs to be measured
    • Continuous data can take any value within a range of infinite values
    • For example: the height of a student
  • Age can be discrete or continuous depending on the context or how it is defined
    • If you mean how many years old a person is then this is discrete
    • If you mean how long a person has been alive then this is continuous

What is a population?

  • population refers to the whole set of things which you are interested in
    • e.g.  if a teacher wanted to know how long pupils in year 11 at their school spent revising each week then the population would be all the year 11 pupils at the school
  • Population does not necessarily refer to a number of people or animals
    • e.g.  if an IT expert wanted to investigate the speed of mobile phones then the population would be all the different makes and models of mobile phones in the world

What is a sample?

  • A sample refers to a selected  part (called a subset)  of the population which is used to collect data from
    • e.g.  for the teacher investigating year 11 revision times a sample would be a certain number of pupils from year 11
  • random sample is where every item in the population has an equal chance of being selected
    • e.g.  every pupil in year 11 would have the same chance of being selected for the teacher's sample
  • A biased sample is where the sample is not random
    • e.g.  the teacher asks pupils from just one class

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a population?

  • You may see or hear the word census - this is when data is collected from every member of the whole population
  • The advantages of using a population
    • Accurate results - as every member/item of the population is used
      • In reality it would be close to every member for practical reasons
    • All options/opinions/responses will be included in the results
  • The disadvantages of using a population
    • Time consuming to collect the data
    • Expensive due to the large numbers involved
    • Large amounts of data to organise and analyse

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a sample?  

  • The advantages of using a sample
    • Quicker to collect the data
    • Cheaper as not so much work involved
    • Less data to organise and analyse
  • The disadvantages of using a sample
    • A small sample size can lead to unreliable results
      • Sampling methods can usually be improved by taking a larger sample size
    • A sample can introduce  bias
      • particularly if the sample is not random
    • A sample might not be representative of the population
      • Only a selection of options/opinions/responses might be accounted for 
      • The members/items used in the sample may all have similar responses
        e.g.  even with a random sample it may be possible the teacher happens to select pupils for his sample who all happen to do very little revision
  • It is important to recognise that different samples (from the same population) may produce different results

Worked example

Mike is a biologist studying mice and has access to 600 mice that live in an enclosure.
Mike wants to sample some of the mice for a study into their response to a new drug.
He decides to sample 10 mice, selecting those nearest to the enclosure's entrance.


State the population in this situation.

The population is the 600 mice living in the enclosure


State two possible issues with the sample method Mike intends using.

The sample size is very small - just 10 mice
The mice are not being selected at random - those nearest the entrance have a greater chance of being selected


Suggest one way in which Mike could improve the reliability of the results from his sample.

Mike should increase the sample size to increase the reliability of the results

Number Toolkit
  • Mathematical Operations
  • Negative Numbers
  • Money Calculations
  • Number Operations
  • Related Calculations
  • Counting Principles
Prime Factors, HCF & LCM
  • Types of Number
  • Prime Factor Decomposition
  • HCF & LCM
Powers, Roots & Standard Form
  • Powers, Roots & Indices
  • Standard Form
  • Basic Fractions
  • Operations with Fractions
  • Basic Percentages
  • Working with Percentages
Simple & Compound Interest, Growth & Decay
  • Interest & Depreciation
  • Exponential Growth & Decay
Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
  • Converting between FDP
  • Converting between FDP
Rounding, Estimation & Bounds
  • Rounding & Estimation
  • Bounds
  • Simplifying Surds
  • Rationalising Denominators
Using a Calculator
  • Using a Calculator
Algebra Toolkit
  • Algebraic Notation & Vocabulary
  • Algebra Basics
Algebraic Roots & Indices
  • Algebraic Roots & Indices
Expanding Brackets
  • Expanding Single Brackets
  • Expanding Multiple Brackets
  • Factorising
  • Factorising Quadratics
  • Quadratics Factorising Methods
Completing the Square
  • Completing the Square
Rearranging Formulae
  • Rearranging Formulae
Algebraic Proof
  • Algebraic Proof
Linear Equations
  • Solving Linear Equations
Solving Quadratic Equations
  • Solving Quadratic Equations
  • Quadratic Equation Methods
Simultaneous Equationsr
  • Simultaneous Equations
  • Iteration
Forming & Solving Equations
  • Forming Equations
  • Equations & Problem Solving
  • Functions Toolkit
  • Composite & Inverse Functions
Coordinate Geometrys
  • Coordinates
  • Coordinate Geometry
Linear Graphs y = mx + c
  • Straight Line Graphs (y = mx + c)
  • Parallel & Perpendicular Lines
Graphs of Functions
  • Types of Graphs
  • Graphical Solutions
  • Trig Graphs
Equation of a Circle
  • Equation of a Circle
  • Equation of a Tangents
Estimating Gradients & Areas under Graphs
  • Finding Gradients of Tangents
  • Finding Areas under Graphs
Real-Life Graphs
  • Distance-Time & Speed-Time Graphs
  • Conversion Graphs
  • Rates of Change of Graphs
Solving Inequalities
  • Solving Linear Inequalities
  • Conversion Graphs
  • Solving Quadratic Inequalities
Graphing Inequalities
  • Graphing Inequalities
Transformations of Graphs
  • Reflections of Graphs
  • Introduction to Sequences
  • Types of Sequences
  • Linear Sequences
  • Quadratic Sequences
Ratio Toolkit
  • Simple Ratio
  • Working with Proportion
Ratio Problem Solving
  • Ratios & FDP
  • Multiple Ratios
Direct & Inverse Proportions
  • Direct & Inverse Proportion
Standard & Compound Units
  • Time
  • Unit Conversions
  • Compound Measures
Exchange Rates & Best Buys
  • Exchange Rates & Best Buys
Geometry Toolkit
  • Symmetry
  • 2D & 3D Shapes
  • Plans & Elevations
Angles in Polygons & Parallel Lines
  • Basic Angle Properties
  • Angles in Polygons
  • Angles in Parallel Lines
Bearings, Scale Drawing, Constructions & Loci
  • Bearings
  • Scale & Maps
  • Constructing Triangles
  • Constructions & Loci
Circle Theorems
  • Angles at Centre & Semicircles
  • Chords & Tangents
  • Cyclic Quadrilaterals
  • Segment Theorems
  • Circle Theorem Proofs
Area & Perimeter
  • Area & Perimeter
  • Problem Solving with Areas
Circles, Arcs & Sectors
  • Area & Circumference of Circles
  • Arcs & Sectors
Volume & Surface Area
  • Volume
  • Surface Area
Congruence, Similarity & Geometrical Proof
  • Congruence
  • Similarity
  • Geometrical Proof
Area & Volume of Similar Shapes
  • Similar Area & Volumes
Right-Angled Triangles – Pythagoras & Trigonometry
  • Pythagoras Theorem
  • Right-Angled Trigonometry
  • Exact Trig Values
Sine, Cosine Rule & Area of Triangles
  • Sine & Cosine Rules
  • Area of a Triangle
  • Applications of Trigonomet
3D Pythagoras & Trigonometry
  • 3D Pythagoras & Trigonometry
  • Introduction to Vectors
  • Working with Vectors
  • Translations
  • Reflections
  • Rotations
  • Enlargements
  • Combination of Transformations
Probability Toolkit
  • Basic Probability
  • Relative & Expected Frequency
Simple Probability Diagrams
  • Two Way Tables
  • Frequency Trees
  • Set Notation & Venn Diagrams
Tree Diagrams
  • Tree Diagrams
Combined & Conditional Probability
  • Combined Probability
  • Conditional Probability
  • Combined Conditional Probabilities
Statistics Toolkit
  • Mean, Median & Mode
  • Averages from Tables
  • Range & Quartiles
  • Comparing Distributions
  • Population & Sampling
Statistical Diagrams
  • Bar Charts & Pictograms
  • Pie Charts
  • Time Series Graphs
  • Working with Statistical Diagrams
  • Histograms
Cumulative Frequency & Box Plots
  • Cumulative Frequency Diagrams
  • Box Plots
Scatter Graphs & Correlation
  • Scatter Graphs