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Set Notation & Venn Diagrams

Set Notation

What is a set?

  • A set is a collection of elements
    • Elements could be anything - numbers, letters, coordinates
  • You could describe a set by writing its elements inside curly brackets { }
    • e.g.  {1, 2, 3, 6} is the set of the factors of 6
  • In probability a subset of possible outcomes can be useful
    • e.g.  If a whole number between 1 and 50 is chosen at random
      • we might be interested in the outcome being a multiple of 10
      • the set {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}
      • which is a subset of the set {1, 2, 3, ..., 48, 49, 50}

What do I need to know about set notation?

  • calligraphic E is the universal set (the set of everything)
    • e.g.  if talking about factors of 24 then  calligraphic E = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24}
    • You may see alternative notations used for  calligraphic E  
      • U is a common alternative
      • S or the Greek letter ξ (xi) may also be seen
  • Sets, particularly in probability, are often referred to by capital letters
    • e.g.  The set A is the set of even factors of 24
    • A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24}
  • a ∈ B means a is an element of B ( a is in the set B)
  • A ∩ B means the intersection of A and B (the overlap of A and B)
    • the set of elements that are in both sets A and B
    • in probability, intersection (∩) generally means AND
  • A ∪ B means the union of A and B (everything in A or B or both)
    • the set of elements that are in either set A, or set B, or both
    • in probability, union (∪) generally means OR
  • A' (called "A prime" but frequently called "A dash") means "not A" (everything outside A)
    • the set of elements that are not in set A
  • You may occasionally see the symbol ∅ - this is the empty set (the set with no elements)

Venn Diagrams

What is a Venn diagram?

  • Venn diagrams allow us to show two (or more) characteristics of a situation where there is overlap between the characteristics
  • For example, students in a sixth form can study biology or chemistry but there may be students who study both

What might I be asked to do with a Venn diagram?

  • You can be asked to
    • draw a Venn diagram and/or
    • interpret a Venn diagram
  • Strictly speaking the rectangle (box) is always essential on a Venn diagram
    • it represents everything that can happen in the situation
    • you may see the letter calligraphic E  or xi  written inside or just outside the box
      • this means “the set of all possible outcomes” - i.e. “everything”!
      • sometimes the letters U or S are used instead
  • The words AND and OR become very important in both drawing and interpreting Venn diagrams
  • You will need to be familiar with the symbols ∩ and ∪
    • ∩ is intersection
    • ∪ is union
    • these mean AND and OR (respectively)

How do I draw a Venn diagram?

  • Start with a “box” and overlapping “bubbles”
    • the number of bubbles needed will depend on how many characteristics you are dealing with
    • it will usually be 2 or 3
  • Work through each sentence/piece of information given in a question to begin completing sections of your Venn diagram
    • pieces of information may have to be combined before you can enter a value into the diagram
    • not all values will be given directly
      • some may need working out
      • you will be expected to do this to complete your Venn diagram
  • Remember to consider AND and OR

How do I interpret a Venn diagram?

  • Use the information in the question to identify the parts of the Venn diagram needed to answer it
  • Shading the relevant parts of a Venn diagram can be helpful
  • Be careful with probability notation such as
    • A' (not A)
    • the symbols ∩ and ∪


How do I use Venn diagrams with conditional probability?

  • Probabilities that only involve a subset of the things in a Venn diagram are called conditional probabilities
    • For example with students studying German or Spanish or both, you might want to know the probability that a student who studies Spanish also studies German
    • This would require considering only the 'Spanish' part of the Venn diagram when finding the probability
  • Conditional probability questions are often (but not always!) introduced by the expression 'given that...'
    • For example 'Find the probability that a randomly chosen student studies German, given that the student also studies Spanish'
    • The answer would be the number in the 'Spanish AND German' part of the diagram divided by the sum of all the numbers in the 'Spanish' part of the diagram
  • Conditional probabilities are sometimes written using the 'straight bar' notation  straight P open parentheses A vertical line B close parentheses  
    • That is read as 'the probability of  A given  B'
    • For example  straight P open parentheses German vertical line Spanish close parentheses would be the probability that a student studies German, given that the student also studies Spanish

Exam Tip

  • You may have to use your Venn diagram more than once in a question
    • so shading the original diagram can become confusing if you're trying to use it more than once
    • draw a 'mini'-Venn diagram (a small quick sketch just showing the box and bubbles but no values) and shade that

Worked example

In a class of 30 students, 15 students study Spanish, and 3 of the Spanish students also study German.
7 students study neither Spanish nor German.


Draw a Venn diagram to show this information.

We start with the 3 in the intersection ("overlap"); we can then deduce the "Spanish only" section is 12.
7 needs to be outside both bubbles but within the box.
With a total of 30 we can work out how many students study "German only" and complete the diagram.


Use your Venn diagram to find the probability that a student, selected at random from the class, studies Spanish but not German.

Highlight the part "Spanish only".

Venn-Q1b-Working, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

Pick out the numbers you need carefully.

Students studying "Spanish only" = 12
Total number of students = 30

P(Spanish only) bold equals bold 12 over bold 30 stretchy left parenthesis equals 2 over 5 stretchy right parenthesis  

Worked example

Given the Venn diagram below, find the following probabilities: Venn Q2, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes


P( A)

Draw a 'mini'-Venn diagram - a quick sketch without the details.
See these questions as "ways to win" - so in this part you win if in "bubble A".
B and C do not come into it at all.


Total in A = 3 + 5 + 1 + 8 =17
Total = 3 + 5 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 9 = 40

Error converting from MathML to accessible text.


P( ∩  ∩  )

∩ - intersection - AND - "win" if "in A" AND "in B" AND "in C".


Total in A AND  B  AND  C = 8
Total = 40


P( B' )

∩ - intersection - AND - "win" if "not in B" AND "in C".


Total in "not B" AND  C = 5
Total = 40

Error converting from MathML to accessible text.


P( A ∪ B )

∪ - UNION - OR - "win" if "in A" OR "in B".


Total in A OR  B = 3 + 1 + 8 + 5 + 2 + 8 = 27
Total = 40

Error converting from MathML to accessible text.


P( A ∪ B ∪ C )

∪ - union - OR - "win" if "in A" OR "in B" OR "in C".


In this case, it will be easier to subtract from the whole total.

Total in A  OR  B  OR  C = 40 - 9 = 31
Total = 40


P( A'B' )

∪ - union - OR - "win" if "not in A" OR "not in B".
This one is particularly difficult to see without a diagram!


Total in A' OR  '  = 40 - 8 - 5 = 27
Total = 40

Worked example

CP Example fig2 sol (1), downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

CP Example fig2 sol (2), downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

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