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Powers, Roots & Indices

Powers & Roots

Powers & Roots

What are powers/indices?

  • Powers of a number is when that number is multiplied by itself repeatedly
    • 5 1 means 5
    • 5 2 means 5 × 5
    • 5 3 means 5 × 5 × 5
    • Therefore the powers of 5 are 5, 25, 125, etc
  • The big number on the bottom is sometimes called the base number
  • The small number that is raised is called the index or the exponent
  • Any non-zero number to the power of 0 is equal to 1
    • 5 0 = 1

What are roots?

  • Roots of a number are the opposite of powers
  • A square root of 25 is a number that when squared equals 25
    • The two square roots are 5 and -5 
    • Every positive number has two square roots
      • They will have the same digits but one is positive and one is negative
    • The notation    refers to the  positive square root of a number
      • You can show both roots at once using the plus or minus symbol ±
      • Square roots of 25 are 
    • The square root of a negative number is not a real number
    • The positive square root can be written as an index of so 
  • cube root of 125 is a number that when cubed equals 125
    • A cube root of 125 is 5
    • Every positive and negative number always has a cube root
    • The notation refers to the cube root of a number
    • The cube root can be written as an index of   so 
  • A nth root of a number ( )is a number that when raised to the power n equals the original number
    • If n is even then they work the same way as square roots
      • Every positive number will have a positive and negative nth root
      • The notation  refers to the  positive nth root  of a number
    • If n is odd then they work the same way as cube roots
      • Every positive and negative number will have an nth root
    • The nth root can be written as an index of 
  • If you know your powers of numbers then you can use them to find roots of numbers
    • e.g.  means 
      • You could write this using an index
  • You can also estimate roots by finding the closest powers
    • e.g.  and  therefore 

What are reciprocals?

  • The reciprocal of a number is the number that you multiply it by to get 1
    • The reciprocal of 2 is 
    • The reciprocal of 0.25 or  is 4
    • The reciprocal of  is 
  • The reciprocal of a number can be written as a power with an index of -1
    • 5 -1 means the reciprocal of 5
  • This idea can be extended to other negative indices
    • 5 -2 means the reciprocal of 5 2

Laws of Indices

What are the laws of indices?

  • There are lots of very important laws (or rules)
  • It is important that you know and can apply these
  • Understanding the explanations will help you remember them
Law Description Why
anything to the power 1 is itself
to multiply indices with the same base, add their powers
to divide indices with the same base, subtract their powers
to raise indices to a new power, multiply their powers
anything to the power 0 is 1
a negative power is “1 over” the positive power
a power of an nth is an nth root

a fractional power of m over n means either

– do the the nth root first, then raise it to the power m


– raise it to the power m, then take the nth root

(depending on what’s easier)

a power outside a fraction applies to both the numerator and the denominator
flipping the fraction inside changes a negative power into a positive power

How do I apply more than one of the laws of indices?

  • Powers can include negatives and fractions
    • These can be dealt with in any order
    • However the following order is easiest as it avoids large numbers
  • If there is a negative sign in the power then deal with that first
    • Take the reciprocal of the base number
  • Next deal with the denominator of the fraction of the power
    • Take the root of the base number
  • Finally deal with the numerator of the fraction of the power
    • Take the power of the base number

How do I deal with different bases?

  • Sometimes expressions involve different base values
  • You can use index laws to change the base of a term to simplify an expression involving terms with different bases
    • For example
    • Using the above can then help with problems like

Exam Tip

  • Index laws only work with terms that have the same base, so something like 23 × 52 cannot be simplified using index laws

Worked example

Without using a calculator, write in the form  where k is a positive whole number.

Use  on the numerator.




Use  .


The value of k is 3.


Without using a calculator, simplify .

Flip the fraction to change the negative outside power into a positive outside power,  .


Use that a power outside a fraction applies to both the numerator and denominator, .


Use that a fractional power of m over n is the nth root all to the power m,   .


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