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Interest & Depreciation

Interest & Depreciation

Simple Interest

What is simple interest?

  • Interest is extra money added every year (or month) to an original amount of money
  • Simple interest is interest that is the same amount each time
    • It can be good: for example, putting £100 into a bank account and the bank rewarding you with simple interest of 10% every year
      • After one year you’d have £110, after two years you’d have £120, …
    • It can be bad: for example, owing £100 to a friend and they charge you simple interest of 10% for every year you don’t pay them back
      • After the first year you’d owe them £110, after the second year you’d owe them £120, …
  • If £ P is your initial amount of money and simple interest is added to it at a rate of R% per year for T years, then the total amount of interest gained, £ I, is given by the formula 

I equals fraction numerator P R T over denominator 100 end fraction

  • Remember that this formula calculates the amount of simple interest added over T years, not the total amount of money after T years
    • To find the total amount of money after T years, add the interest £ I to the original amount £ P

Exam Tip


Worked example

A bank account offers simple interest of 8% per year. I put £250 into this bank account for 6 years. Find (a) the amount of interest added over 6 years, (b) the total amount in my bank account after 6 years.   (a) Substitute P = 250, R = 8 and T = 6 into the formulato find the simple interest, I

The amount of interest over 6 years is £120 (b) The total amount after 6 years is the original amount, £250, plus the interest from part (a), £120 250 + 120 The total amount in my bank account after 6 years is £370

Compound Interest


What is compound interest?

  • Compound interest is where interest is paid on the interest from the previous year (or whatever time frame is being used), as well as on the original amount
  • This is different from simple interest where interest is only paid on the original amount
    • Simple interest goes up by the same amount each time whereas compound interest goes up by an increasing amount each time

How do you work with compound interest?

  • Keep multiplying by the decimal equivalent of the percentage you want (the multiplier, p)
  • A 25% increase (p = 1 + 0.25) each year for 3 years is the same as multiplying by 1.25 × 1.25 × 1.25
    • Using powers, this is the same as × 1.253
  • In general, the multiplier p applied n times gives an overall multiplier of pn
  • If the percentages change varies from year to year, multiply by each one in order
    • a 5% increase one year followed by a 45% increase the next year is 1.05 × 1.45
  • In general, the multiplier p1 followed by the multiplier p2 followed by the multiplier p3… etc gives an overall multiplier of p1p2p3
  • Alternative method: A formula for the final (“after”) amount is  where…
    • ..P is the original (“before”) amount, r is the % increase, and n is the number of years
    • Note that  is the same value as the multiplier

Exam Tip


Working example

Jasmina invests £1200 in a savings account which pays compound interest at the rate of 2% per year for 7 years.

To the nearest pound, what is her investment worth at the end of the 7 years?

We want an increase of 2% per year, this is equivalent to a multiplier of 1.02, or 102% of the original amount

This multiplier is applied 7 times; 

Therefore the final value after 7 years will be

£ 1200 space cross times space 1.02 to the power of 7 space equals space £ 1378.42

Round to the nearest pound

bold £ bold 1378

Alternative method
Or use the formula for the final amount    P open parentheses 1 plus r over 100 close parentheses to the power of n space end exponent
Substitute P is 1200, r = 2 and n = 7 into the formula 

1200 open parentheses 1 plus 2 over 100 close parentheses to the power of 7

£1378 (to the nearest pound)


What is meant by depreciation?

  • Depreciation is where an item loses value over time
    • For example: cars, game consoles, etc
  • Depreciation is usually calculated as a percentage decrease at the end of each year
    • This works the same as compound interest, but with a percentage decrease

How do I calculate a depreciation?

  • You would calculate the new value after depreciation using the same method as compound interest
    • Identify the multiplier, p (1 – “% as a decimal”)
      • 10% depreciation would have a multiplier of p = 1 – 0.1 = 0.9
      • 1% depreciation would have a multiplier of p = 1 – 0.01 = 0.99
    • Raise the multiplier to the power of the number of years (or months etc)
      • p to the power of n
    • Multiply by the starting value
  • New value is  A cross times p to the power of n
    • A is the starting value
    • p is the multiplier for the depreciation 
    • is the number of years
  • Alternative method: A formula for the final (“after”) amount is P open parentheses 1 minus r over 100 close parentheses to the power of n   
    • …P is the original (“before”) amount, r is the % decrease, and n is the number of years
  • If you are asked to find the amount the value has depreciated by:
    • Find the difference between the starting value and the new value

Working example

Mercy buys a car for £20 000. Each year its value depreciates by 15%.

Find the value of the car after 3 full years.

Identify the multiplier

100% – 15% = 85%

p = 1 – 0.15 = 0.85

Raise to the power of number of years

0.85 3

Multiply by the starting value

£20 000 × 0.85 3

= £12 282.50

Alternative method
Or use the formula for the final amount    P open parentheses 1 minus r over 100 close parentheses to the power of n space end exponent
Substitute P is 20 000, r = 15 and n = 3 into the formula 

20 space 00 open parentheses 1 minus 15 over 100 close parentheses cubed

£12 282.50

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