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Ordering FDP

Ordering FDP

How do I put fractions in order of size?

  • If comparing only fractions, write them over a lowest common denominator
    • For 3 over 5 comma 1 half comma fraction numerator 13 space over denominator 20 end fraction comma 7 over 12 , the lowest common denominator of 5, 2, 20 and 12 is 60 so change them to 36 over 60 comma 30 over 60 comma 39 over 60 comma 35 over 60  then order them by their numerators
      • From smallest to largest: 30 over 60 comma 35 over 60 comma 36 over 60 comma 39 over 60 so 1 half comma 7 over 12 comma 3 over 5 comma 13 over 20


How do I put fractions, decimals and percentages in order of size?

  • If comparing a mixture of fractions, decimals and percentages, change everything into decimals

Order by Size Notes fig5 (1)

Order by Size Notes fig5 (2)

Order by Size Notes fig5 (3)

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